Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Natural Plant Quintes Foot Patch (12 patches) - 9 boxes

Natural Plant Quintes Foot Patch (12 patches) - 9 boxes

Shock Sale Natural Plant Quintes Foot Patch (12 patches) - 9 boxes very cheapYou looking to find the "Natural Plant Quintes Foot Patch (12 patches) - 9 boxes" Good news! You can purchase Natural Plant Quintes Foot Patch (12 patches) - 9 boxes with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Natural Plant Quintes Foot Patch (12 patches) - 9 boxes On Sale

Price: $180.00 $167.40   Updated Price for Natural Plant Quintes Foot Patch (12 patches) - 9 boxes now
Purchase Natural Plant Quintes Foot Patch (12 patches) - 9 boxes low price

Product Feature

  • Discharges toxins and improves health
  • Relieves muscle ache and rheumatism naturally
  • Improves circulation throughout the body
  • Helps relieve fatigue and sleepless nights
  • Relieves foot odor naturally

Product Description

Discharges toxins, relieves muscles aches, and nourishes the whole body

Natural Plant Quintes Foot Patch (12 patches) - 9 boxes Review

So, to make a long story short, I had been sick a very long time with digestive perisis, a paralysis of the digestive tract. It was extremely painful and I was sick for over 3 years, unable to do much besides lay in bed in pain and take pills prescribed to me. I couldn't go to the bathroom and was having other problems, like lack of appetite and pain.

All the pills seemed to make it worse, and none of the laxatives would help me go. I frequently had to use enemas or had to go to the ER for it, which as you can imagine would be very unpleasant in a number of ways. Eventually, they gave me very very powerful laxatives, lactulose solution, I took 30ml to 60ml a day on my doctors advisement to go to the bathroom. When I would do that it was extremely painful and cramping, loose, and would eat hours of my day of me being sick in the bathroom. It was horrible, and eventually that stopped helping as much and I had to regularly use enemas and suppositories. It was very bad.

One day I was picking up more of these prescriptions and I saw these at the front for $8 a package which contained 6 patches in it. (more expensive then these are listed right now) I thought it was stupid, but the back said it helped with constipation and detoxification of the body, amongst other things like insomnia and trouble sleeping deeply and well. I thought that it couldn't hurt to try it for that small amount of money, even though it looked ridiculous. So I bought it.

I used it, and peeled off gooey fatty looking pads in the morning that where nearly black. Someone said that you can achieve the same results with steam, I just want to point out that I have a science background and just because that is the case doesn't mean it doesn't work. Perhaps the heat/sweat is a catalyst for whatever it is that works, but SOMETHING works. I wish I had a mass spectrometer to see what is inside the steam one vs. one of mine at this point.

But the next day, not only did I sleep through the night, which I haven't done in literally years, but I woke up feeling refreshed early in the morning. Then, the strangest thing happened, later on, I went to the bathroom like a normal person, without any drugs, and without having to be sick for hours of painful cramping. This has not happened in 3 years. It didn't happen with all the medicine, all the stuff the doctors did, I was terrified of what lay ahead when I was so young and couldn't go to the bathroom at all. (I'm in my 20s and used to be fairly healthy, now I'm recovering and will be 110% soon, and I believe that these pads will help me get there now!) I was amazed. I feel fantastic. So the next night, half thinking maybe it was a fluke for some reason, I put them on again. The next day, the same thing, only better. I have been using them every night, and every morning I'm able to go to the bathroom, wake rested, and have slept through the night. Once again, this has not happened for years. (the sleeping is not AS dramatic of a change as the bathroom habits for me, but I'm sure experiences may vary.)

I can't tell you how grateful I am that these things where there, and that I randomly chose to buy a box of them. They are amazing. The next day I went and bought tons more. Then, scared I'd run out, I bought out the entire display lol. (I don't want to have to go another day unable to go to the bathroom or sleep or feeling well again!)

That is why I bought them here in bulk. I have 48 coming to my house right now I believe. I will order more when I'm running low (which would be 4-5 boxes now to me lol. I can't tell you how important it is for me to have these now, nothing has helped this problem before.) because these are amazing. Buy them, seriously. I'm not switching brands, I know nothing about other brands, this one works and that's all I need to know. I've heard mixed things about other brands, but I don't know if that is just because they are more widely known and thus get more criticism, or because they are inferior, but I know these work wonders for me.

My S.O. has even had luck with them relieving muscle pain, because he is on his feet all day. (that is supposed to be another thing it helps) And he was even more skeptical then I was I think!

My point being, buy these, don't buy a few, buy a hundred! lol. You will not want to run out when you get them. Make sure you follow instructions, and enjoy the benefits of this bizarre product.

Seriously, like, about a dollar a night for that much of a benefit? For comfort and a good night's rest? It's a no brainer, that is completely worth it.

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Buy Natural Plant Quintes Foot Patch (12 patches) - 9 boxes Cheap

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