EarthCalm Omega WiFi Electromagnetic EMF Prection

Product Feature
- Smart Meter Protection
- Wi-Fi Radiation Protection
- More Restful Sleep
Product Description
Wireless Routers: Eliminate Wi-Fi health risks with EarthCalm's Omega WiFi plugged into your router. A beneficial field of protection will extend throughout your home. Laptops: Plug the Omega WiFi into your laptop, wherever you are, to get EMF protection from both your laptop and Wi-Fi radiation. Benefits People Report with the Omega WiFi: Increased Energy Fewer Headaches Less Fatigue Reduced Brain-Fog Feeling Relaxed and Alert More Restful Sleep A Sense of Well-Being "Within hours I felt calm, clear-headed and relaxed! The energy in the house now feels like open quiet space, as smooth as fine silk." Patricia B., WA EMF Protection from Laptop Radiation Laptops are especially hazardous. In addition to the radiation generated by the transmitter, an extremely high miligauss field (100 MG) is also emitted when your laptop is on. "I was immediately struck with a powerful grounding sensation...I've noticed feeling more centered, focused and less hyperactive..." Reid T., CT Create a Grounding Field of EMF Protection The Omega WiFi gives you full wifi radiation protection by incorporating EarthCalm's proprietary technologies to transform these hazardous fields into a beneficial field of protection.EarthCalm Omega WiFi Electromagnetic EMF Prection Review
I set up wifi in my home so I could have a wireless computer work station in another part of the house as well as download to my Kindle without borrowing wifi from a neighboring office at my workplace. As soon as the wifi was connected, I felt nauseous and my head started to pound. I turned it off and figured I would try again the next day. After three days of the same experience I decided to try this product. I was very skeptical but they had a money back guarantee and I really did not want to be without wifi forever. I plugged it into the router and switched to wifi. I expected to feel the pounding and nausea and was shocked to feel just fine. I went to sleep thinking I'd be sick in the morning, but I was not. Now I am getting one for the office.For the record, I have wifi coming into my home from my neighbors' homes as well as adjacent offices at work and I was never affected by it. I did not expect to have the bad reaction that I did when I installed the router in my home and turned on the wifi. I'm a believer in this product!
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "EarthCalm Omega WiFi Electromagnetic EMF Prection" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from EarthCalm Omega WiFi Electromagnetic EMF Prection ...

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