Napolea to Desert Bloom Nopal Extract | 30X Concentration

Product Feature
- NOT ALL NOPAL JUICE ARE CREATED EQUAL. We have 18 years of experience in manufacturing nopal extract juice on the market. One bottle will last you 1~3 months depends on your health condition.
- Nopal under other manufacturing process may achieve little or part of the results nopal extract juice can do, but far from the results our product can do. Go to Youtube and search for "Amazing Healthy Weight Loss 50 lbs in 3 months. Nopalea VS Nopal Extract Juice Review" to see a video testimonials.
- Platinum Plus- - is 30 times more concentrated in its content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and soluble fiber than a single strength pure Nopal juice because of fermentation and evaporation process. Other nopal juice product like nopalea may use only 5%~10% nopal and claim it as nopal juice. That's why our single bottle of nopal EXTRACT juice can last you 1~3 months depending on your current health condition. Fermentation help to increase the absorption at least 10 times. Many amino acids in nopal is not absorb-able without fermentation. Fermentation introduce helpful probiotics and enzyme to our guts. When your digestion is improved, many problem will disappear over time.
Product Description
Not all Nopal Juice are created the same! Therefore, the results are not the same. Our product is a specially prepared presentation of Nopal that has been developed after 20 years of extensive research and testing. For example, studies have shown that heating serves to enhance the beneficial properties of raw Nopal. Conversely, that the beneficial properties of Nopal are lost where Nopal has been dehydrated in powdered capsule or tablet form. Heating lower or higher than a certain degree will also decrease the benefits of 18 amino acids. Generally, there are only two reasons why people have chronic conditions: 1. too much of what they don't need in their body, and 2. to little of what they do need. Nopal takes care of both. 1 oz of Nopal Extract Juice requires 6 lbs of nopal cactus to extract, it is highly concentrated and ready to dilute with 8 oz. of water. For people with some chronic health condition please take 1 oz a day for the first 3~6 months, then 1/2 oz or 1/3 oz a day for maintenance. Users of DB Nopal juice extract have reported the following benefits: � Reduction of blood sugar to normal levels � Increased energy · Improved sense of well being and fitness � Improved circulation and lowered blood pressure Reduced cholesterol and triglycerides � Reduced arthritic pain � Effective for hemorrhoids � Improved urinary function � Improved bowel function � Has restored menstrual activity in women � Decreased tendency to gain weight · Reduces excess gastric acid · Improved male sexual function · Reduces skin spots due to aging � Effective for healing ulcers Additionally, Type 1 Diabetics have reported being able to reduce their intake of insulin by injection.Napolea to Desert Bloom Nopal Extract | 30X Concentration Review
30x Concentrated Nopal Extract Juice Lst 1~3 Months Welcome Compare to Nopalea or NapoleaLook, this juice helped reduce all my inflamed joints to so near normal I was able to reduce pain meds 80% and I was born with both rheumatism and a type of joint stiffness from birth in mid-1940's! After suffering nightly from ages 5 to 9 with the rheumatism it went underground and I was a really active tom-boy always outdoors climbing trees, bicycling, and walking and playing throughout my growing up. Luckily I lived my life in an ideal climate. At 23 arthritis was found in surgery on my knee. Since late 1995 I grew more and more disabled because a worse type of arthritis superimposed itself on my normally pain-free active body. Now I have to use aids such as a walker and power chair to get around.
I loved the taste of this juice. I avoided Nopalea due to sugar content. I mixed one ounce of the concentrate with a full 16-oz glass of pure water and with a little bit of a non-sugar sweetener mixed in I drank 2 full glasses thirstily through a straw; thoroughly enjoying every bit of it. But the increase in price is rather cruel I feel and can no longer afford it. But I'm hopeful I may again be able to buy it in the future
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Napolea to Desert Bloom Nopal Extract | 30X Concentration" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Napolea to Desert Bloom Nopal Extract | 30X Concentration ...

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