Pranamat ECO - Natural Linen & Violet Lotuses

Product Feature
- Pranamat is a marvellous tool for revitalizing and relaxation.
- What makes Pranamat so special? The components used in its materials. They are so natural that every time you shall use Pranamat the feeling will take you to a place you have never been before, but would like to stay in - a world of health and harmony.
- Pranamat cover is stitched of pure linen and painted with eco-friendly non-allergic paint. It is so pleasant-to-the-touch that it brings you the sense of freshness!
- The plastic lotuses are made from H.I.P.S. plastic, which is nature-friendly - the substance decays in a soil not leaving any traces after disposing.
- The mattress is made of a coconut fibres. It is the most natural and healthy component one can ever use inside a mat! It will make you feel good and shall provide an easy air circulation between Pranamat and your skin.
Product Description
Pranamat Eco is created for personal use with 100% natural materials, such as linen and coconut fibre, friendly to you and nature.Pranamat ECO - Natural Linen & Violet Lotuses Review
I am giving this mat 5 stars, even though at $99 dollars (down from the usual $129- and I DID see it in a catalog for $129), I think it's kind of pricey. It has free shipping from Amazon though, so that's good.The reason this mat rates 5 stars from me is that it actually, really and truly, works! Be VERY careful, especially when you first begin to use it because the leaves of the accupressure lotuses (flowers) are so sharp, they can easily cut you! But, one becomes accustomed to this and it is well-worth doing so. You just lay on the mat (it can be on a bed, on the floor, the couch, etc.) and do whatever you want. It is entirely effortless!
I guess if one were to listen to relaxing music or something that would enhance the effects of the mat, but I've never done that and I'm perfectly happy with the results I have seen. I feel like if I had to listen to a certain MP3 or CD or whatever, that would feel like a chore and detract from the delightful effortlessness of the whole thing!
So, here's what the Pranamat does for me: If I am feeling at all stressed, it relaxes muscle tension and calms my mind. On more than one occasion, I have gone from being really stressed out to sound asleep, so be aware of this if you use it in the day and you have to do something at an appointed time!
I use it primarily at night. I sleep on the darn thing! I used to have to put a blanket on top of it, and would suggest that anyone new to using it do AT LEAST that (the first month, my legs looked like I had lost a battle with a kitten), but as other reviewers have said, you actually do get used to the sharpness of the lotus leaves.
One more thing about the price: I do have to say, the makers of this product cut no corners. The embroidery is excellent and obviously done with great care, the quality of the plastic lotuses (medical grade plastic) is high, the fabrics chosen are top notch. Now, of course you don't NEED beautiful embroidery, etc., for this to be an invaluable stress-reducer, but that's how they decided to make it, so I can see why the price is what it is.
All in all, this is the first stress-relieving product that I continue to use almost every day, month after month, because (other than the first few cuts!!- which I could have avoided by getting onto and off of it more carefully) it is just a great pleasure to use! It feels GOOD to lie on it (not nude, not yet anyway, as others suggest, ouch!), even before the relaxation effect kicks in.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Pranamat ECO - Natural Linen & Violet Lotuses" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Pranamat ECO - Natural Linen & Violet Lotuses ...

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