Vitalizer Plus Hexagonal Oxygen Water Maker with 2 mineral cubes

Product Feature
- Hydrates the cells
- Helps transport nutrients to the cells
- Enhances waste removal from cells
- Supports the immune system
- Comes with 2 Cubes. Each Cube lasts 4000 minutes.
Product Description
A growing amount of evidence suggests that drinking Hexagonal Water has numerous health benefits. The Vitalizer Plus was designed to create an unlimited supply of Hexagonal Water for every day consumption - it's small enough to sit on your kitchen counter - durable enough to make all the hexagonal water you will ever need! The Vitalizer Plus incorporates basic principles utilized in nature to create a life-enhancing, hexagonally-structured water, your body craves! Nature uses movement (swirling vortexes and natural curves), energy (magnetic fields from the earth and far infrared energy from the sun), minerals (naturally dissolved as water flows over mineral formations) and oxygen (incorporated as water splashes and falls). The Vitalizer Plus uses these same principles, to create Vitalized Water in your own home! How does Nature create crystal clear living water? It begins with the rain or snow which is naturally energized and often highly structured water. It uses movement - vortexes of energy and natural curves. It adds oxygen and minerals as water splashes and falls and It uses vital magnetic fields from the earth, and far infrared (FIR) energy from the sun. The end result? A highly energized, structured, mineralized, oxygenated and purified living water! Vitalizer Plus is scientifically documented to: 1. Structure water - powerful magnetic and infrared forces reduce the size of individual water clusters, creating Hexagonal Water for more rapid penetration into the cells of your body. 2. Increase Oxygen - turbulent forces create a visible vortex, increasing the amount of oxygen in your drinking water - up to 30%. 3. Add minerals - a mineral core within the unit, releases structure-making minerals during the vitalizing process to help structure the water and increase alkalinity. 4. Add energy - the resulting energy in Vitalized water is enough to begin to balance the organs of your body - within minutes after drinking.Vitalizer Plus Hexagonal Oxygen Water Maker with 2 mineral cubes Review
I am an environmental engineer with a masters degree and several years industry experience specializing in drinking water treatment.Based on my professional experience I can definitively state that this product is absolutely nonsense. The description is riddled with pseudo scientific language completely devoid of meaning.
To address specific claims:
1)In a liquid, atoms do not form a crystalline lattice, nor do they show any other form of long-range order. This is one of the fundamental properties of a liquid. Hexagonal water is ice. There is no form of hexagonal water that is not ice. Furthermore no magnetic or infrared forces generated from a counter-top device could have any effect on the molecular structure of water. Nor would you want them to. Water is good and healthy the way it is.
2) The oxygen content of water varies from 0-~10 mg/L based mostly on microbial activity and exposure to air. This matters a great to fish and microbes who "breath" the water and not at all to mammals who drink it. Increasing the oxygen content might in some small way increase microbial growth, but mostly it will not matter at all.
3) Minerals might be added to your water. Theoretically this could be beneficial although, again, it will mostly not matter. Most alarmingly is the claim that the mineral cube lasts 4000 minutes. Most of the minerals you want added to water are extraordinarily insoluble. They are literally rocks, which do not dissolve quickly. Either these mineral cubes provided are microscopically small or they are not the minerals that belong in drinking water.
4) Unless you subscribe to some quasi religious view of energy then adding energy to water does not translate into you feeling energized. In this application adding energy pretty much means adding heat. If you want warm water then use a microwave or stove-top.
In summary, do not buy this product. Also learn science or, at a minimum, give a scientist a hug. We pretty much keep this world running.
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