Baumanometer Desk Model Sphygmomanometer

Product Description
W.A. Baum Company Desk Model (300mm Hg) Sphygmomanometer is & Perfectly suited for the clinical environment or the traveling professional who needs only the most accurate blood pressure measuring device in the world. We carry the entire line of W.A. Baum products. Every Baumanometer instrument is a true gravity manometer. It is set apart from others as the world standard since 1916 for blood pressure measurement by a simple principle: devotion to uncompromising quality.Baumanometer Desk Model Sphygmomanometer Review
This Nov 3rd, 2011, I received my Baumanometer Sphygmomanometer, Desk Model 0320. I am still in preliminary testing, learning how to accurately operate it. As of Dec 1st, I am still in the process of testing, and getting opinions from those who know more about blood pressure than I.I should explain, that my goal is to learn how to accurately measure my resting blood pressure. Myself, inaccurate blood pressure gauges were giving me false positives, and the legendary "white coat" or anxiety induced high blood pressure. Right out of the box, this Baum indicates, in a static pressure test, that my aneroid (dial or analog gauge) sphygmomanometer gauges are reading too high by two to nine points, or millimeters of mercury (mmHg). In actual blood pressure measurements, my automatic digital monitors and manual aneroid monitors are over estimating my systolic pressure by 5 to 25 mmHg, when compared to this Baum monitor. I will work on this, further. These discrepancies are very troubling, as there is a very strong and consistent bias, among the automatic and aneroid monitors, towards reading high and over a widely scattered range of 15 to 30 points. In contrast, this Baum monitor gives consistently lower readings that are tightly clustered, within 10 points. Which monitor is telling the truth? Please comment with your ideas!
Why is this troubling? To the point, this Baum sphygmomanometer tells me that my blood pressure is normal. All other monitors tell me that my blood pressure is either borderline, or definitely, without a doubt, high enough to require prescription drugs. The expensive, automatic blood pressure monitor used by my personal physician agrees, that I have high blood pressure. However, when I "take my medications as directed", I feel sick, as in very tired and listless. As a result, testing blood pressure monitors is my number one focus. Please comment on this review, with any suggestions on how to test these monitors.
I will do more comparison tests on this Baum, for accuracy. But it is difficult to throw a mercury gravity manometer out of calibration, without breaking it. It is very unlikely that this Baumanometer is less accurate than what Baum promises, better than "1% of full scale 300mg, or plus or minus 3mmHg".
But here are some things you might want to know, right away, from my preliminary, "right out of the box" testing:
1. You will need a stethoscope, not included in this particular Baumanometer kit. An inexpensive fifteen dollar stethoscope will do. Don't splurge on a hundred dollar stethoscope. As far as I can determine, the "optimal capital budget" for personal health management is to put your money into the blood pressure monitor. You do not need an expensive stethoscope to clearly hear the blood sounds.
2. Unless you have a second pair of hands, you will probably need to get another blood pressure cuff, designed to be put on with one hand. The blood pressure cuff included in this Baumanometer kit is near impossible to install with one hand. To get it on my arm, I use my teeth, literally. This Baum cuff is obviously not intended for use by anyone who wants to take their own blood pressure, with no help from another pair of hands. I got around this obstacle by using other cuffs, from my collection of aneroid and automatic blood pressure monitors. You can interchange cuffs, because the low pressure air hoses slip onto plastic or metal nipples.
3. You will need a quiet place, to clearly hear the blood sounds in your stethoscope. Further, this Baumanometer kit is only for use by those with good eyesight, good hearing, and plenty of manual dexterity. Elderly and infirm people who need to measure their own blood pressure, without assistance, will need to use one of those automatic blood pressure monitors, which are often very inaccurate, for a number of reasons. But that is another review!
Additional points to consider:
1. The printed instructions in this Baumanometer kit are very complete, the best that I have seen. Baum covers almost all of the information, in one place, that I have dug up, over months of study.
2. The adult blood pressure cuff in this Baumanometer kit is slightly smaller than what Baum recommends in their printed instructions, at least for me. And it is much smaller than recommendations from the Heart Association and the Mayo clinic. Why the conflicting advice? This is an open question, that I continue to study.
Concerning how to accurately measure blood pressure, there are many issues with conflicting advice. Another open question, for example, is how high to raise the pressure above your estimated systolic. Some sources recommend 30 points, while others recommend 50.
But so far, the conclusion for this review, is that this Baumanometer Sphygmomanometer might be worth the rather high price. It gives consistent, tightly clustered readings, that are the same for each arm. It is precise enough, that I can see the trend line of rising blood pressure, upon waking up in the morning, leveling off at plateau. (Automatic monitors give readings that jump up and down over a range of 15 to 30 points, that must be averaged, to make any sense.) Of course, a measuring device that is repeatably precise is not necessarily accurate. I am working on that question.
I consider the high price of this Baum reasonable, because I have spent over 300 dollars on a collection of manual and automatic monitors that disagree with each other, and sometimes give different results for each arm. But that is, again, another review. This Baum has given me some peace of mind, in this troubling question of how to accurately measure blood pressure.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Baumanometer Desk Model Sphygmomanometer" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Baumanometer Desk Model Sphygmomanometer ...

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