Ramm TLC OnlyOne Ultra Light Crutch - TLC CRUTCH

Product Description
Ramm TLC OnlyOne Ultra Light CrutchRamm TLC OnlyOne Ultra Light Crutch - TLC CRUTCH Review
People stare at me when I use it, and ALWAYS ask where I got it (internet, duh!), the people at my doctors office want to know where and how much, and how good it is, so I tell them: well, it is cool once you get used to it, it takes a bit of practice to keep your balance because of the pad's position (I dont tell them the pad is made for a petite woman (which I am not (neither)) just the pad itself, which if you use the whole thing puts your balance out of kilter, well, mine anyways. I tell them the construction is top notch, you can look at the welds and the material itself and see that, and it doesn't weigh anything... but then I tell them to get a different tip if they are going to get one, I suggest a Tornado crutch tip (hint to the manufacturer) and that they need a sharpie to mark where the adjustments need to be between bare feet and shoes, because it makes a HUGE difference in your balance, not to mention how much it hurts your good leg and ankle to be off by half an inch or so, and the "quick adjustment" feature is not this piece of equipment's shining glory, the weird clamp thing is a pain the butt (hint to the manufacturer, use the push button quick adjustment set up regular crutches do) so make sure you measure with bare feet, sharpie the spot, then put on your shoe, adjust and sharpie that spot for, I wont call it faster (because it's not) adjustment, but at least you will know where to put them.All in all, this has kept me from a walker, as I live in a second floor apartment so a knee scooter was not an option (man, those look fun, don't they?) but I do not really trust it going DOWN the stairs, but up, hey, I can rock the stairs, not very quickly, but I can, just not really fast. This would be an AWESOME product if the designer used a gel type cushion, better tip (seriously, the Fetterman Tornado (gel or solid) tip would be awesome (this is a BIG hint)) and a button adjustment for the base.
I have a minimum of 8 weeks off my ankle, with an option of another 4 weeks after, this has made it where I can carry stuff in my hands instead of a little girl's bike basket attached to a walker, but I have fallen twice trying to get used to the balance, so keep close to the walls while you get used to it, and I only use half of the pad, with my knee centered over the shaft, but the shoe thing... that took me a couple of trips to the store (since going down the stairs is a planned event now, since I live alone) to figure out that it was my shoe that was putting me off balance, and hurting my hip (hence the sharpie marks!).
If you are going to be down for a while, and can't use a knee scooter (seriously, they look SO cool, and fun), I would recommend this, it has given me a lot more mobility, and, unlike the one that really makes you really look like a pirate, you don't have to be strapped in, you just pick it up, position yourself, walk, lean it against the wall, do whatever it is you are going to do, grab it and go! Just practice with it! Seriously, practice!
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Ramm TLC OnlyOne Ultra Light Crutch - TLC CRUTCH" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Ramm TLC OnlyOne Ultra Light Crutch - TLC CRUTCH ...

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