Insulin Cooler Refrigerated Box / Portable Drug Reefer / Car Small Refrigerator Free Ship via DHL
Price: $299.00

Product Feature
- Diabetic Cooler Box Insulin Case Portable Refrigerator
- when people travelled, the medicines were exposed ouside at a high and unsafe temperature, whcih is damaged to the insulins and other medicines that are injected. Hotel room, when people left the hotel,the climate control is often turned off, taxis, airlines or other forms of transpotation. So if people have the multi electric insulin carrier, and the problems are solved.
- Vehicles and Outdoors:Vehicle temperatures can exceed 100F within minutes when the a/c is turned off. Refrigerated medicine storage is needed for Autos, Trucks, Boats, RV's, and Motorcycles, as well as outdoor activities
- Work and home the temperature of the office is extreme and changable, and the climate control is turned off when peo[le get off work. Most people prefer to storage their insulins in a private medical cooler carrier, rather than storage them in a shared refrigerator . Similiarly, the same problem is at home. Vehicles and outdoors : the vehicles' temperature can be reached 100F within a certain minutes after the air conditioner is turned off, the medical cooler carriers are needed for autos, trucks,boats etc. Handy kit for storaging insulin is designed to provide a convenient and affordable way to keep medicines (such as insulin or other medicines that are injected, ) at a safe temperature during: Trave:Travel often exposes medicines to extreme temperatures: Luggage compartments, Hotel rooms (when guests are out of the rooms, climate control is often turned off), Taxis, Airlines, and other forms of transportation.
Product Description
Diabetic Cooler Box Insulin Case Portable Refrigerator (2013 year NEW) when people travelled, the medicines were exposed ouside at a high and unsafe temperature, whcih is damaged to the insulins and other medicines that are injected. Hotel room, when people left the hotel,the climate control is often turned off, taxis, airlines or other forms of transpotation. So if people have the multi electric insulin carrier, and the problems are solved.Insulin Cooler Refrigerated Box / Portable Drug Reefer / Car Small Refrigerator Free Ship via DHL Review
It appears to be a good quality unit, I received it several hours ago. I have one major problem with it however. The cooler will not close with a standard vial of Lantus insulin in it because the compartment is too shallow. I believe the Lantus vial is actually narrower then some others. This should be mentioned in description, or the unit design should be changed to accommodate insulin vials. It does hold two Novolog FlexPens with caps, or three with the caps removed, if arranged properly.I also own a 'Medi-Fridge IIx' which I have had for over a year. While it is not as good a quality as this unit (and it has no battery), it has a much larger compartment which will hold two pens and two vials (maybe 3) as described above.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Insulin Cooler Refrigerated Box / Portable Drug Reefer / Car Small Refrigerator Free Ship via DHL" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Insulin Cooler Refrigerated Box / Portable Drug Reefer / Car Small Refrigerator Free Ship via DHL ...

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